As the Dragon Ball manga approaches the 40th anniversary of the debut of the first chapter in the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, there is no shortage of initiatives aimed at celebrating the birthday of Akira Toriyama's work. Here's some new merchandise that will take fans back in time.

As Dragon Ball Super fans witness a Goku now able to challenge the gods and wield angelic techniques, long-time readers will still remember when the Saiyan, not yet known by the name Kakarot, was a simple, pure and naive child who could not distinguish the female sex from the male.

There first part of Dragon Ball, which culminates with the 23rd Tenkaichi Tournament, accurately narrates the adventures of a very young Goku who, after meeting Bulma by chance, went in search of the Dragon Balls, of which his grandfather bequeathed him the one with the four spheres. If you want to follow the story, here is the summary of Dragon Ball from the first saga to super.

The new merchandise for Dragon Ball launched on the franchise's official website. As a reminder, the first chapters are launched two stuffed animalsone depicting Goku as a child still wearing his first purple suit, which he wore before becoming a student of Master Roshi, and one depicting Bulma in pink pajamas.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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