Detective Conan has always been a popular series in Japan and Italy. The anime has hit its 1,000th installment, and to celebrate, Detective Conan’s official website has released something worth investigating!
The Detective Conan Anime official website recently stated this There will be a remake of a “legendary episode lover” as the “first part” of the celebrations for the thousandth episode of the anime. The anime will celebrate its 25th anniversary in January and the 1,000th episode will air on March 6th.
The site revealed three collage pictures, which are made up of small images from different episodes that represent them Shinichi Kudo, Kaito kid is Heiji Hattori. A frame from this “legendary episode” is hidden in these three pictures.
In addition, the anime’s staff are promoting a nice initiative: The person who can guess which episode stars in this remake will receive an award! Recall that Detective Conan previously celebrated its 20th anniversary by remaking the anime’s first two episodes in the 2016 Special. Detective Conan – Episode One – The Great Detective Who Has Shrunk.
If you missed an episode, here is a list of all of Detective Conan’s episodes to avoid the fillers in case you re-watch for the new special episode. We also remind you that the first two seasons of Detective Conan are available on Crunchyroll!