Although there are still a few weeks left for the Infinite Frontier Initiative to debut, Dc comics It is already preparing readers by making big changes to its universe. The new event will completely turn the previously known status quo on its head and the latest edition of Detective Comics sees a sensational change of page.
In Detective Comics # 1034, Damian Wayne has an important conversation with his mother, Talia al Ghul, who is trying to get him to participate in some sort Battle Royale tournament organized by the League of Lazarus. As a final cliffhanger shows, however, a face familiar to all readers will also take part in this deadly battle.
The League of Shadows at the tournament Connor Hawke will line up, the son of Oliver Queen and Sandra Hawke. After Oliver’s death, Connor inherited the Green Arrow cloak and even joined the Justice League of America. When his father returned, however, there was no trace of this character for years.
This large amount of time will benefit the narrative, which can then explore in complete freedom what Connor Hawke is like joined the League of Shadows. And with the Green Arrow celebrating its 80th anniversary, the “Arrowfam” story seems to be just beginning.
In DC Comics, Infinite Frontier Wonder Woman will be wearing a new costume. The suicide squad is about to return to the DC Universe. Here is the new leader.