A historical travel companion of Ash Ketchum is ready to return to the stage in episode 64 of Pokémon Expeditions, which is scheduled for release in Japan next April 30th. After all, the anime isn’t new to great returns and last-minute surprises, and this time around, it’s a turn for a female character that fans dearly love.

We are talking about the young iris, Ash’s travel companion on the Pokémon Black and White series, which aired from 2010 to 2013. The girl traveled with Ash and Cilan for the duration of the fourth season and greeted them in episode 802 “See you next dear friends!” When she decided to return to Johto after you’ve strengthened her relationship with her Axew and trained enough to to become a dragon master.

Episode 64 is titled “A reunion of past, present and future ?! VS Dragonite !!“and the summary is as follows:”Iris, Ash’s travel companion in the Unova region, returns to the scene and Ash appears to have received a fight request from her!“Below you can take a look at the first few thumbnails that appear to be waiting the meeting of the two with points for the Pokémon World Championship.

What do you think about it? Are you happy with the return of Iris? Let us know in the comments! In the meantime, we remind you that the anime is currently paused and will return on April 9th ​​with episode 61.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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