The platform Crunchyroll announced that the first two seasons of the anime adaptation of the light novels by Ichiei Ishibumi and illustrated by Miyama zero, High School DxDhave already been added without censorship in the regions where this franchise is available.

It should be noted that Crunchyroll has not released this license for Latin America, so it is not accessible from this region. On the other hand, Ishibumi and Miyama-Zero began to publish the light novels through the publishing label. Fantasy bunko from the publisher Fujimi Shobo Completed in September 2008 and March 2018 with 25 volumes.

Subsequently, the author began publishing a new series of light novels entitled Shin High School DxD through the same publisher in July 2018. The publisher published the fourth volume on February 20.

The first three anime adaptations were produced by the studios TNK and they were released in January 2012, July 2013, and April 2015; Counting with twelve sequences each. Then a fourth season with twelve episodes was produced by the studios. Passione and published in April 2018.

High School DxD Synopsis

Hyoudou Issei is a young (perverted) student. When he goes out with his first girlfriend Amano Yuuma, he is killed by her. His real identity is Raynare, a fallen angel sent by the Grigori Secret Society. Issei will be reborn as a demon by his Senpai Rias Gremory, and from then on he will work as Rias' servant, fighting the fallen angels.

Source: Official Twitter account

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Sweety Otaku

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