An era has finally come to an end, that of Wano's slavery that lasted 20 years. The yoke of Kaido and Orochi has been removed and now the samurai can live in peace. This led to the conclusion of the Wano saga, the longest in the manga to date. Its end begins the ONE PIECE final sagawhich will last a few more years.

The crew seemed to expand before the last phase of the manga, but the last few chapters of ONE PIECE have confirmed that Yamato will not be joining the crew, at least for now. And in the current situation nobody else seems to be doing it since Kinemon didn't start with the Thousand Sunny either. Momonosuke will of course stay in Wano to act as shogun anyway, but what about the other two in the future?

Yamato and Kinemon have two choices: the first is to become full members of the Straw Hat Pirates, the second is to become commanders of an allied fleet. Yamato still is It is possible that Kaido's daughter will become a true member of the Mugiwara with a path similar to Jinbe, which only reached the protagonists after a few sagas.

However, it is possible for Kinemon to see it that way Captain of his own crew in the name of Wano and that he will fight alongside Luffy in the final war, as will the other Allied commanders that Luffy has befriended. What do you think will be the fate of these two ONE PIECE characters?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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