October 11, 2022 marks the debut of two of the most anticipated anime productions of the year. Along with the debut of Bleach, The Millennial War on Disney+ arrives on Crunchyroll, the explosive first installment of chainsaw manthe anime produced by MAPPA studio and based on the hit manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto.

Justified “dog and chainsaw“, like the first chapter of the print counterpart, the introductory episode begins with a disturbing first-person sequence. This is Denji, a completely broke boy who was orphaned and isolated from society and earns enough to survive by killing demons and monsters along with his only friend, the little one. Pochitathe devil chainsaw.

A quick flashback shows viewers meeting years ago with a badly injured Pochita, to whom Denji offers his arm. By drinking the blood, devils can heal wounds. Since that time, the two have been inseparable. One night, accompanied by the yakuza he works for, Denji finds himself in danger, surrounded by too many devils out to kill him. However, the serious injuries sustained during the attack would be fatal for Denji Pochita transforms into his heart and brings the Chainsaw Devil to life which destroys all monsters in the camp.

In a very violent and bloody bloodbath, Denji unleashes his new abilities, and in the first light of morning three people arrive on the site, two men and a woman, who approach Denji, still transformed, presenting himself as a Felhunter on duty .the public safety. through a hug, The girl brings Denji back to normaland offers him two choices: to be killed as a devil, or to be guarded and guarded as a human.

Tell us what you think of the first episode of Chainsaw Man. In the meantime, we’ll leave you to the series’ editor’s ambitious words about the meaning of the anime.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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