The light novel series started in 2019 Apparently, disillusioned adventurers will save the world by Shinta Fuji and Susumu Kuroi, has achieved some success at home, and following a manga adaptation designed by Masaki Kawakami, animation studios Geek Toys and Seven have also confirmed production of an anime.

On October 11, 2022, the anime’s official website actually added a lot of information and details about the series, including the key people who will take care of the production, the image you can see at the bottom of the page and the first follower reported at the top. The direction and supervision of the scripts was entrusted to Itsuki Imazaki, flanked by Hiroo Nagao as character designer and animation director. Composing the soundtrack for the series was then called Ryo Takahashi.

The story, set in a fantasy world, develops around the character of Nick, who as a veteran adventurer has no one’s appreciation or support. Alone and deeply unmotivated, Nick decides to give it a try get up and regain the life he wantsand will try to do it with other people, with different powers, in the same condition as him.

The series starts in January 2023, as is also confirmed in the last few seconds of the trailer. Let’s hope what you think and if you follow the series in the comments. Remember that in early 2023 the adaptation of Ayakashi Triangle and the anime of Nier Automata will also arrive.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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