On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, chainsaw mana variety of illustrations were shared to celebrate the airing of the first episode of the series. The first was conducted by Ryu NakayamaProject manager at the studios MAP.

chainsaw man

The second was made by Tatsuya YoshiharaHead of action and animation of the project.

chainsaw man

The third was made by suta yamazakiwho helped animate the episode.

chainsaw man

The fourth was made by Shu (駿)who helped animate the episode.

The fifth was made by Takuya Niinumawho helped animate the episode.

The sixth was made by Hideki Hamazakiwho helped animate the episode.

The seventh was made by TOOBOEresponsible for one of the final themes of the project.

The series has been broadcast in Japan since October 11 and has been confirmed by the platform with a total of twelve episodes crispy roll takes care of sales in the West. On the other hand, Fujimoto started publishing the manga chainsaw man in the magazine Weekly shōnen jump from the publisher shueisha in December 2018 and ended the first part in December 2020. The second part of the work was moved to the digital service Shōnen Jump Pluswhere it has been appearing since July 2022.

production team

  • Ryu Nakayama (Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios MAP.
  • Hiroshi Seko (Ajin, Attack on Titan The Final Season) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
  • Kazutaka Sugiyama (Mushoku Tensei: Unemployed Reincarnation) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
  • Kensuke Ushiō (DEVILMAN Crybaby, Liz and the Blue Bird, A Silent Voice) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.

Synopsis for Chainsaw Man

The story takes place in a world where demons threaten the peace of the people, making them targets to be eliminated. Denji is a depressed young man who has sold several of his organs and works as a lumberjack and demon hunter to pay off his late father’s debts. Denji owns a dog (who is also a demon) named Pochita who has chainsaws and uses them for his work.

This is explained because humans can make contracts with demons. After returning home from a job, Denji is summoned by a yakuza to infiltrate a building and assassinate another demon. However, the plan was a trap to kill him as part of a yakuza contract with the demon and give them more power. But Pochita comes to Denji’s aid and bonds with him, becoming half human half demon and acquiring Pochita’s chainsaws.

Font: Official Twitter account


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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