Castlevania is preparing for season four, which producers say will be even darker than the previous ones. In the meantime, the show, which is broadcast on the streaming platform Netflix has become very popular and for this reason many are waiting for the next iteration of the franchise. Only that this loses important parts.

Warren EllisAs a rather productive and quite famous comic book author, he was a Castlevania showrunner for a long time. Based on the franchise’s third title, she presented a violent and gritty series on Netflix. From now on, however, it will no longer be part of it some serious sexual accusations that pushed production to remove him.

After completing the fourth season of Castlevania, Warren Ellis has been dismissed from the show and will not return in future seasons. The news came shortly after Ellis broke up with DC Comics’ Dark Nights: Death Metal project. The comic book author admitted that he had made “bad decisions”, but strongly denies that he was in a position of power and that “he had never forced, manipulated or deliberately abused” anyone.

The sexual accusations are removing Castlevania from their showrunner and it is not yet clear what the future of the show will look like. Netflix.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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