Naruto’s end marked the beginning of a new generation. While the Uzumaki became the Hokage and Sasuke explored the world alone, Konoha danced on top of the new generation of ninjas led by Boruto, the protagonist’s son. But there was also room for Sarada UchihaDaughter of Sasuke and Sakura.
Also protagonist of the single-volume spin-off Naruto Extra: The Seventh Hokage and the Red MarchSarada has a strong presence in Boruto and has appeared in many outfits so far. While in the anime she wears opaque clothing, in the manga Mikio Ikemoto has repeatedly given her low-cut dresses and is not appropriate for a 12-year-old, at least according to a large segment of the audience. A tweet from Rouge triggered one Discussion and controversy over Sarada’s dress in Boruto.
As you can see below, there are those who pay homage to Kishimoto’s design for its female characters, which, let’s recall, are twelve and thirteen year old girls in the first part of the manga. Despite her age, Sarada wears clothes that the public say are less appropriate. Obviously this A look at the fan service in Boruto has sparked other controversywith many tweets reminding that the same thing happens in other manga where the characters appear practically naked beyond the classic censorship of the case.
It’s time for Mikio Ikemoto to redesign Sarada? In the meantime, she will be the focus of a mission with Team 7 in Boruto.
THIS is how Ikemoto draws 12-year-old Sarada in the Boruto manga 🤢
– Rouge (@Glamorouge) 09/16/2022