The latest dates with the manga of Boruto: Naruto the next generations They proved central to furthering the plot and fleshing out the Code and Eida threat, as well as new information about the protagonist’s karma mark, who survived a deadly attack.
While Shikamaru tries to understand that extraordinary abilities of Eida In communicating with Amado, Sasuke faces a rather delicate discussion with his student in chapter 69 of the manga. Looking back on what happened a few hours ago, Boruto explains to the master that it was he who asked Kawaki to kill himto save the whole village.
“He’s the only one I could have asked something that unreasonable because we practically consider each other brothers. The same goes for him. He understood and accepted my determination.” Sasuke reacted to these words with a bitter sentence that surprised many readers: “I might be the one who needs to show determination”.
Given the topic of conversation, the reference to a possible sacrifice to save Konoha seems obvious, although thanks to the the situation the village finds itself in now seems to have taken a rather interesting turn suggested by Shikamaru to Eida, or become an ally to be able to meet his beloved Kawaki. And do you think Sasuke could really lose his life in the future of the series? Tell us in the comments.
To finish, we leave you the cover of volume 17 of Boruto.