Himawari and Kawaki's academic journey began in the new saga ofBoruto anime It continues with an enigmatic and disturbing story. In the course of episode 264, after various arguments between companions, Boruto forms an investigative team that tries to solve a mystery surrounding the school structure.
Far from the eyes of Hana-sensei, who brought the students of the academy closer together in Boruto 263, the boys learn about a story that is as disturbing as it is exciting. According to a legend that all students who have passed through the walls of the academy seem to know, the eSchool building houses seven secrets. One of them concerns a window between the stairs that seems to pull the unconscious into another dimension.
In the era of scientific ninja, according to some students, a story like this certainly cannot be true. After discovering this legend, however, Himawari can't help but poke his nose into it. After establishing his own investigation teamAs night falls, he invades the ninja academy to try and solve the mystery. When Kawaki discovers that Princess Kae will also take part in the investigation to prove that stories like this make no sense, the cowardly boy is reluctant. he lets himself be drawn into a terrifying adventure. What terrible secret lurks behind the walls of the school building?
Boruto Episode 264 Preview English sub#boruto pic.twitter.com/fcSrs6ENj0
- Wii (@WiiiAnime) August 21, 2022