On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Yuki Tabata, black cloverit has been officially confirmed that the next film in the franchise will bear the title Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King and that its premiere is scheduled for March 31, 2023 in theaters in Japan. However, the platform Netflix It will also premiere in its global catalog from the same date.
According to the statement, the film was produced by the studios Pierrot will feature a fully original (non-canon) story of the Wizard King overseen by the author of the original manga. Yuki Tabata. Few details were given about it.
Tabata began publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly shΕnen jump from the publisher shueisha in February 2015. The work inspired a 170-episode anime adaptation produced by Pierrot Studios, directed by Tatsuya Yoshihara Y Ayataka Tanemura and scripts written by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu Y Hatsuo Narapublished in October 2017.
production team
- Ayataka Tanemura (Naruto: Shippuuden, Sousei no Onmyouji, D.Gray-man Hallow) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios Pierrot.
- Itsuko Takeda (Sousei no Onmyouji, Kingdom 2nd Season, Level E) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
- Johnny Wave (Black Clover: Yuno no Sho, Black Clover: Kishidan no Sho) J Ai Ori is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Minako Seki (Hachi-nant tte, Wound wa Nai deshou!, Kingdom, Masamune Datenicle) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Summary of Black Clover
Asta and Yuno were dropped off at the same church on the same day. Growing up together as children, they met the “Wizard King”, a title bestowed on the kingdom’s strongest wizard, and vowed to compete with each other to see who could become the next Wizard King. However, as they got older, the big difference between them became apparent. While Yuno is able to use magic with amazing power and control, Asta is completely incapable of using magic and desperately tries to awaken his powers through physical training.
When they turn 15, Yuno receives a spectacular grimoire featuring a four-leaf clover, while Asta receives nothing. However, shortly after, Yuno is attacked by a person named Lebuty, whose main goal is to get hold of Yuno’s spell book. Though hopeless and on the brink of defeat, Asta finds the strength to survive by hearing Yuno’s voice and unleashing his inner emotions. He is given a grimoire of a five-leaf clover, a “black clover”, giving him enough power to overcome the threat. Now they both have a chance to become Wizard King!
Font: Weird Natalie
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