While the first pictures of episode 170 are already leaking online, this will mean the conclusion of the anime of at least for the moment Black cloverThe twist of the last episode finally introduced Licita, Asta’s mother, as well as a character deeply connected to love, the demon contained in the protagonist’s spell book.
Started Night training In fact, Asta came into direct contact with love as part of the Ritual of the Bond, and in the penultimate episode, the authors of the animated version of the work born from the head of Yuki Tabata decided to surprise the audience with it the appearance of Licita. Although her name was not officially disclosed, her somatic resemblance to Asta has made her identity pretty obvious.
Episode 169 started the intense one Fight that will see Asta versus love, since the protagonist absolutely has to be able to defeat the demon contained in his spellbook in order to use his power. We see Licita’s face for the first time when Asta realizes that although love is a demon, it doesn’t have to be evil. Words that remind love of the woman who saved him many years ago.
Recall that on Weekly Shonen Jump it was announced that the Black Clover series was going to have a movie, and we’ll let you find out who the strongest demon is after the chapter 286 recap revelations.