Welcomed to the Land of the Sun by Shogun Ryuya, Asta undergoes rigorous traininglatest Black Clover saga. However, the lesson Ichika Sukehiro, Captain Yami’s younger sister, teaches to the protagonist on the Zetten is only the first part of Clover’s anti-magic training.

Asta’s life gets tough in Black Clover 341. In order to hone the foreign visitor’s skills, the Shogun of the Land of the Sun challenges three other members of the country Seven Ryuzen. So let’s meet the energetic and curious Imari Komari, the monk Okadai Zaemon and the ninja with the Oni Hanegatsuji Jouzou mask. One by one, the trio defeated Asta in practice.

Despite continuing to fall to the mat and being treated by Fumito Mikurya, Asta doesn’t give up. He is aware of the fact that stealing the Secrets of Zetten is the key to defeating the ultimate Black Clover antagonist.

In the evening, exhausted, Asta thinks about his trainer’s use of the Zetten. However, he is surprised by Ichika, with whom he engages in a conversation in which he ends up referring to his mentor, Yami Sukehiro. However, the girl from the sunny country doesn’t want to hear a word from her brother, whom she considers rubbish. Yami Sukehiro is indeed the one responsible for the massacre of the Sukehiro clan. A flashback leads us to discover this dark history in Black Clover 342.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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