The popular manga by Koyoharu Gotōge, Demon Hunterwill be used as a reference for the production of a kabuki theater show that will debut at Shinbashi Enbujo’s historic stage in Tokyo’s Ginza district between February and March 2024.
The title is already known and is Super Kabuki II Kimetsu no Yaiba. The Demon Slayer official Kabuki site provides cast, staff, and general information.
In Japan, kabuki is a popular theater genre that originated in the early 17th century and was invented by the priestess Izumo no Okuni. It is characterized by the staging of social issues, often in historical settings. Kunio Sugihara, the directorfight with a new incarnation of the series of Demon Slayer Super Kabuki II (Second), a project that combines innovative technologies and modern themes with traditional Japanese theater.
Thus, Gotōge's work continues to have a major impact on fans and related productions. Its success seems to mirror that of the universe created by Arakawato the point that many think Demon Slayer is the new Fullmetal Alchemist.
The manga was published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2016 and its publication ended in 2020. Meanwhile, it debuted in its television role in 2019, spawning the franchise into the attention of the general public. As we read in our review of Demon Slayer The Hinokami Chronicles, of moderate success also one of CyberConnect2's latest efforts in 2021. If you're waiting for Il Villaggio degli Swadaccini anime season 3, it's better to skip the wait with two joystick clicks if possible!