Voice actress Asuka Nishiwho recently played Mimosa Vermillion in Black clover, reported on her official Twitter account on April 1 that she married a man who is not related to the entertainment industry. Although the statement coincided with the “April Fool’s joke” in Japan, Nishi noted: “It’s not a joke, it’s trueยป.

Asuka Nishi

In his handwritten statement, Nishi wrote: “I am very sorry to report my personal affairs this way, but I, Asuka Nishi, recently married a man. It’s April Fool’s Day, but I’m very excited to announce it that day. Although it seems like a joke based on the date, it’s not, it’s trueยป.

He continued: “The man I dated who is now my husband is extremely nice and has the same sense of humor as me. That’s why we spent much of the day making each other laugh. I want to build a happy and joyous family with lots of laughs all day and stay there for the rest of my life.ยป. He added: “I don’t have any experience yet, but I will try my best to continue growing as a voice actress and as a person. So I am very grateful if you will continue to support me as you have now. I hope you keep looking after meยป.

Finally, Asuka Nishi is also recognized for roles as Hakata Kanamori in Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu, Elise in Hachi-nan tte, sore wa Nai deshou! ((The 8th are? Are you kidding me?), Ravel Phoenix in High School DxD and Shinobu Oomiya in Kiniro mosaicto name a few.

Source: Yahoo! News Japan

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Sweety Otaku

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