At the streaming giant Netflix has announced that it is working on an animated series based on Assassin’s Creed, one of the most famous video game franchises in recent years. The community has literally gone crazy. However, several months have passed since then without any further news about it.
Not only is there Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness in the upcoming animated series with a video game theme, Netflix is ββready to add Assassin’s Creed to its catalog too. However, it is over some time since the last update and fans wondered if this project hadn’t been silently canceled.
During a recent interview, content manager Aymar wanted Azaiza calm the communitythe team works behind the scenes. “”It is still active. These are the same people who brought in the TV show Raving Rabbids and announced the animated series Far Cry. The team is really focused on that. It’s not the next project on the way, but it’s still alive in their hands. It wasn’t canceled. “
So even though the project is officially alive and well, it will take time for a long time before it gets into the Netflix catalog. In the meantime, Assassin’s Creed IV will receive a Manhwa sequel. Here are the first details of the Assassin’s Creed anime series produced by Netflix.