The importance and popularity of a series that is more than thirty years old Jojo’s bizarre adventure The work also brought Hirohiko Araki’s work to the ring at one of the WWE company’s premier events, WrestelMania, which aired April 10-11, where Damien Priest paid homage to the devil.

Main opponent of the fifth part of the series, Vento Aureo, Diavolo is the head of the mafia organization Passionwhose plans are thwarted again and again by the protagonist Giorno Giovanna and his companions. To make the devil even more dangerous, his estate is King CrimsonUndoubtedly one of the most powerful in the entire history of the Joestar family, allowing the user to eliminate a brief portion of the time the devil can act and change his actions.

In order to pay homage to such a character and his eccentric and extravagant design, Damien Priest presented himself during the event a dress very similar to that of the antagonist presented by Arakias you can see in the picture below and shared by @Maffewgregg on Twitter. Priest isn’t the only participant to pay homage to the world of anime during WrestleMania’s 37th edition. In fact, even the famous Asuka wanted to show her passion for My Hero Academia.

Recall that the brilliant LowCost is back in the role of Josuke Higashikata and we leave you to an amazing tattoo dedicated to Polnareff.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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