This review about Karakai jouzu no Takagi-san 3 contains spoilers. If you haven't seen the chapter yet, we encourage you to do so and then come back to read the review.

chapter summary

the present it's important to feel someone too, so Takagi corners Nishikata because he can't notice her, no matter how close he is, silence is a link between the two children. Yukari wants to do something similar with Mina, but she can't, only the calm Sanae manages it. You can't just take everything to school, so a Desktop Review it never hurts, only this time Takagi uses his skills to return a manga to Nishikata who thought there would be an official review and not just a challenge. The students have more tasks than just studying, now it's up to the protagonists library duty, in which they only have to see if they are taking out or delivering books, and this time Takagi makes his statement by joking about the matter and "forbidding" Nishikata from reading the book he chose for her. prove something and sunset They're beautiful things, especially when they come together and especially when it's with someone you like, even if you don't want to accept it.

chapter opinion

Although only two chapters go, I was shocked by those two chapters, especially the beginning. It seems that they risk more in terms of suggestions, but it's fair to say that they could be faithful adaptations of the manga, because I remember a chapter of the manga where they are already grown up, where they aren't either speak, but only law. save distances, present reminded me of Like a fish out of water from Bojack rider, for the stillness and the wonderful sounds they have, the technical part in this part is really very exquisite. For the rest, the rest is still fine, with some development stuff we'll comment on.

One last thing, I love this in the end up play some old songs like this time Judy and Maria from exaggerate from 1995, sticky and pleasant.


There are things words cannot say, like Takagi's desire to annoy. This time she hides hoping that Nishikata manages to find her, we already know that it doesn't happen and on top of that she loses a challenge to a trap made by the little forehead. Truly a wonderful subchapter that proves you don't have to talk for this anime to work, although part of Takagi's charm is his voice. The friends part is the same but with a very funny ending when Mina breaks the silence by greeting Yukari. Mina breaks everything because that's who she is, she doesn't realize it, so it's good that it was her and not another character.

Desktop Review

I remember the time they confiscated a cell phone if they found it, so we had to be careful. They do it well, seems to me, that way they warn and they don't lose, although of course it was all a ruse by Takagi just to return the manga that he lent him. The bond between the two is becoming ever clearer, and between all the respect (I guess it is) Nishikata has for his annoying partner for not touching the uniform despite being the "teacher". . I also want the girl I like to call me that (crying face, crying face) to call me that. Anyway, a nice moment for her, but not as much as what followed.

library duty

The two alone in a library decide to read something, but the other has to make a decision. Takagi noticed the dinosaur book and gave it to him while Nishikata gave it to him Bryan from Tomoko Minakami (I don't know if the author and the book exist, I've searched but with no satisfactory results). The latter keeps looking at her and says she's pretty (of course she is!), she notices and says something to him, then adds: "Daisuki' and we all know what that means, even the poor kid who blushes because there's a pause, but then Takagi continued reading even though that part wasn't from the book. Those very direct insinuations, I don't blame him, it's hard to process those feelings at that age. What are you going to read your next week?


You notice the connection with yours spin off When they grow up, well (MAJOR SPOILER IF YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS MANGA), it shows that Nishikata would be a gym teacher, poor thing stops him from running and exercising to lose to Takagi, her overcoming is such a motivator for him, although, as he says, it's already become a habit that seems healthy to me. Immediately they meet and Nishikara tells her that she can walk to the beach and to prove it to her she does, sends her a photo and she was already there (oh how cute!) because she was riding a bike because of the Premonitions she had that didn't fail. And so they see the sun slowly dying while theirs is being born at the same rate.

What a beautiful chapter today, I hope they continue like this. But most importantly, that there is some progress at the end of the season. And who knows, maybe they'll animate the manga when they grow up (which will hurt me a lot, but it's worth it). I can only say: Long live the forehead!

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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