Brock certainly has some good qualities: he is the one who takes care of the other group members, cooks, cleans and fully embodies the mother figure among our three trainers. Pokémon. He cares for others, and it comes naturally to him after taking care of his nine younger siblings.

It is only natural that Brock would want to become a breeder Pokémonand later a doctor rather than a sports director or coach like Ash. He is fascinated by cooking, creating new dishes, medicines and sweets and is always looking for a way to bring his Pokémon to life to the fullest.

Brock is always on the front line helping his fellow travelers and more. Ash will be the protagonist of the story, but Brock is certainly the one who most embodies the role of the leader.

Obviously, Brock also has flaws. The most important among them is his passion for women. In addition to sister Joy and agent Jenny, Brock asks every woman he meets on his way to appointments and creates funny gags, especially since the poor protagonist always fails miserably.

So is Brock a good example? Brock has his flaws like any human, however has a good, honest and protective soul. There are no perfect role models, but Brock, Ash, and Misty and many other Pokémon characters can be good role models for young fans.

If this article took you back in time, here are the audio files of the verses of the first generation Pokémon. We encourage you to take a look at The Pokemon Company's new Pokemon Bus Tour Explore Galar series, a 5 episode series that explores the areas of England that inspired Game Freak, the lands of Galar to create. .

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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