The following review of The God of High School Chapter 4 It contains a spoiler. If you have already seen the chapter, please read on, otherwise you can view and return on one of the platforms. Warning, in this series you will learn how to get bananas with the flying kick.

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@ GOHS_official


“Do what you want with your own techniques. That is the secret of my sword. “


The excitement is charged right from the start with the introduction of the chic nurse Heal and the sexy bomber nurse Dai, who are said to be the official hosts of the Big Bang show. This information is clear and concise as it includes the key announcements of battles in the High School God Arena and the winners of those battles. In this last report we are informed that the last four participants are: the successor to the Moonlight Sword style, Yoo Mira; Total Contact Karate Master Han Daewi; The renewed taekwondo user Jin Mori and the Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter Byeon Jaehee. The first confrontation is led by Daewi and Mira. Who will win? This will be resolved on the weekend, the day of the fight, but as the three boys, friends and rival rivals walk the streets of Seoul, a posh man follows in his footsteps by braking his car in front of them and getting himself into a position. to ask Yoo Mira to be his wife.

The suggestion was accepted without hesitation by Yoo Mira because the young famous athlete and handsome Seongjin could give him the light that the Moonlight Sword Style needs, a martial art that had lived in the shadows long before Mira’s father left and his family has tried to stay afloat all these years. Mira’s uncle disagrees with this hasty marriage, nor has he fully accepted the young man who promises to return the moonlight sword style to the world’s most sought-after, like karate or judo. The promise gets so big that Seongjin claims it could even be an Olympic sport … retraining this Mira teacher so that he can achieve what this family could not achieve in years.

The concern of those closest to Mira grows as his uncle sees him as a desire to bring family sport to light. Jin Mori doesn’t understand how this would be the best way to save a little-known style … While for Han Daewi, Mira has every right to make their decisions, and he and Jin are not allowed to interfere. With all of this, Mira’s uncle knows that she’s making a decision. She quickly believes that this is the best and most mature for her, her family and the Moonlight Sword style. So the man who took it from an early age asks Seongjin to cancel the wedding, but everything will continue as Mira himself wishes, who will take advantage of her fiance’s fame and money to return the importance of that she swears she deserves her father’s style.

As it comes as no surprise that Seongjin is the antagonist, this episode shows us how this simple man of power is a puppet of this secret organization who is looking for his god, and as the first act they have to use the “Holy Sword, that God and that rules, “extract hand that pulls its strength. “So a plan that is accepted beyond a fallen dream is rooted in a macabre plan.

Like men in black who have overcome a struggle in style, the wedding of their friend and companion Yoo Mira appears to make it clear that the dress “looks deadly” while the groom’s surprise proceeds as all of his guards have been knocked out. By a “push”. This is where the emotional conversation about Jin comes in that wakes memories of Mira and everything she sacrificed, struggled and endured to keep her father’s tradition alive that robbed her, a girl, a teenager, and one To be a woman. live his stages. But due to a lack of visibility, a blow has been taken towards her uncle, who tried to rethink her with Mira’s cousin, but it is only when Jin says these words that she reacts to reality. “It’s not that complicated. Do what you want. “This sentence led Mira into the past in which her father taught her:” Do what you want with your own techniques. That is the secret of my sword. “

If he looks, he sees reason and refuses to marry Seongjin, he takes it very badly and without measuring his madness, expresses that he only wants the moonlight sword and his successor … This opponent showed a similar power as the man of the. Committee, but a single movement from Mira with the style “Moonlight Sword Number 6 Monkey Arm!”, Brought Seongjin into the air. Now Mira thanks her friends in her own way for everything they have done for her.

The day of the tournament has come, the confrontation between Yoo Mira and Han Daewi, but before this can happen, the day before … Daewi had to witness how his friend was revived by the doctors, how his friend left a tough fight against him a disease. That night, his anger was partly aired against the boisterous, mocked Daewi for his varied jobs and clinging to a friend in harsh conditions. So the day of the fight against Mira came … Daewi did not hesitate to give everything, so much that he seriously injured Mira. He just looked at her with all his anger and frustration and left her in a puddle on the floor with his own blood. After that, the threat to Jin was clear … “See you in the end.”


I’ll start with this chapter surprising me from start to finish … But the end left us all with the uncertainty that it could happen, just to see how these three friends got together and then for fate the fate of one of them they change and their despair causes them to be so angry that they do not measure the harm they inflict on others. But it was undoubtedly a chapter that showed us part of Mira’s story and because she wants so much that her father’s tradition remains high.

Now let’s start with the differences that might be relevant to me … The truth is that the Manhwa will have more and more information, but the anime is very detailed. Regarding this section of the story, I would say that in some parts little is lost as Seongjin is a more reserved and eyewear type in the Manhwa, again he is completely direct with Mira’s uncle about the little that he cares about and how interested he is in the sword and who wears it. All of this is heard behind the walls of Mira’s cousin, who is a little younger in the Manhwa and has tantrums.

Mira’s cousin tells her that her fiancé wants her only for her abilities, for the moonlight sword, to which Mira replies that it is okay with her, since she only strives for interest and not for love. When Jin tries to interrogate Mira at his home for the first time, he arrives with Daewi … The second time Jin tries to take Daewi to end the wedding, but he refuses. In the end, Jin participates alone and meets Mira’s cousin, who tells her part of what she heard between tears, whereupon Jin makes the decision to act and end the wedding. Here the guards stand in his way and start beating him repeatedly, but Jin does not move and tries to hold back, knowing that his attacks could do great harm to the guards … Therefore Daewi appears out of nowhere and with one He pushes the guards lightly on Jin’s back and opens the connecting door.

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When Daewi stops the attack with Seongjin’s sword, Seongjin cuts Daewi in the chest, causing him to lose a lot of blood, but still Daewi has more energy and strength, and asks Jin to convince the princess (that is, to look) and yes Jin wanted to attack Seongjin, but Daewi stopped him … because it would have ended very badly. Still, in the midst of this conversation between Jin and Mira, she simply rejects everything her partner says to her, remembering how much she endured and delivered to keep her father’s tradition alive while Jin was constantly beaten will the guards … even with chairs. In the end, Mira’s uncle appears and claims that she shouldn’t get married while Jin tells her that she can do what she wants and she just says that she doesn’t want to get married.

When Mira uses this sixth moonlight technique, she simply does it with two fingers and serves to separate all the guards who pounced on Jin and who have almost lost patience and attacked her. Then she cancels the wedding with a bow to Seongjin while her dress is short and ragged … and shows sexy black stockings and breasts. Seongjin ends up trying to attack her using the same technique the green-haired committee member used, but she stops him with a single blow and an insult to his ego. Seongjin walks with some magic and takes the sword with him … Ah yes, the building falls apart and Mira’s uncle is arrested for destroying others’ property.

On the day of the battle between Mira and Daewi, Mira talks to Jin and he encourages her as she buys a new sword for the fight. Before going to battle, Mira wrote a message to Jin ya Daewi saying, “Thank you for stopping my wedding boy. I will grow strong to be just like you. “Jin also tried to speak to Daewi, but Daewi had closed his door to the dressing room. Battle time and Jin had fallen asleep, but when he entered the ring to see the fight between his friends … He just watched Daewi mercilessly destroy Mira, while Daewi Jin said that he never considered her friends saw. . However, this happened because the day before Daewi’s friend relapsed and the doctors gave him no more than four days to live. The fight between these two is now more than certain, maybe Jin is insured, but Daewi could prepare to attack intellectually.

This episode 4 covers chapters 25 through 29 of the Manhwa.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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