Each episode of an anime begins with the so-called opening, an opening theme that shows some of the features of the series. There were many for a long-lasting anime like ONE PIECE of Opening. And now comes Dreamin 'On, the 23rd opening of ONE PIECE.
As with any theme song, Toei Animation's production has decided to include elements related to future episodes and scenes, so those who see the anime will not yet know it, while the manga readers will be able to identify them all or almost all of them . Apart from the risk of spoilers ONE PIECE reopens has already anticipated fans that there will be a meeting between two Mugiwara characters who haven't met for a long time: Zoro and Sanji.
The bracket regarding the episodes of ONE PIECE: Stampede has been removed. In the anime, the two members of Luffy's crew from the early stages of Dressrosa cannot be seen together: first there was the division of the crew, then the escape of Sanji from Zou for Go to Whole Cake Island and finally to a first phase of Wanokuni, in which the duo has not yet appeared together. Instead, in the opening of ONE PIECE, we see them side by side, as has not happened in a while, and below are the four images dedicated to the swordsman and the chef. And that's just one of the first spoilers in the twenty-third opening of ONE PIECE.
「DREAMIN 'ON」 の ダ イ ス ワ ン ピ ピ ー ス オ ー プ ニ ン グ
麦 わ ら の 一味 最強 の 生物 百 獣 の カ イ ド ウ 鬼 ヶ ヶ 島
One Piece Opening 23 Zoro and Sanji!
ス ン ピ ー ス オ ー プ ニ ン グ の ダ ス ス !! pic.twitter.com/VSVSPJ4tMx- Animation by One Piece (@OnePiece_Screen) August 2, 2020