Wait a minute! This review by Mahoutsukai Reimeiki Chapter 8 contains spoilers. We recommend that you watch the episodes first and then come back to read.
Chapter 8: The Price of Each
Chapter 8 of Mahoutsukai Reimeiki It starts right where the previous one left off. Zero, Mercenary, Father and Lilly have left the village, leaving Holdem in charge. The young men distrust him a little, but accept the role of the headmistress’ servant. However, Holdem doesn’t tell them his true intentions.
Holdem convinces Loux to use his powers to cleanse the forest of any remaining traces of “Remnant of Calamity” and promises that he will try to convince the Headmistress to let her read the “Grimoire of Zero”. However, this mission is used to distract her and take her away from her beloved students as she is working with Tyrant for some reason.
The “Referees of Dia Ignis” kidnap Saybil and promise that his death sentence will be forgiven if he brings him back alive. Young’s companions find out about the incident from Uls and rush to rescue their friend, knocking out a hold’em that was trying to stop them. The wolf minion’s plans have taken an unexpected turn.
Mahoutsukai Reimeiki Chapter 8 Opinion
The last episode of Mahoutsukai Reimeiki has arrived and has given us quite amusing moments despite being in the midst of the hardship implied by the “Remains of the Calamity”. Holdem has assumed his role as the village’s makeshift protector, but his usual self-centered personality plays against him.
Because he doesn’t manage to gain the young students’ trust, his plans go so wrong that he enlists the help of those in charge. It all leads to a dangerous situation that puts Holt, Kudo, and Saybil in danger, but the latter catches a glimpse of his lost memories.
The plans of a useless
Holdem’s intentions are made pretty clear in Chapter 8 Mahoutsukai Reimeiki: Test the villagers’ trust in the wizards and witches that live there. However, his measures were not efficient at all, so that his plans failed miserably. What went wrong?
As Loux makes clear, Holdem’s behavior was suspicious from the start. His insistence on surprise inspection and his suitability for the task were quite unnatural for the youngsters he was assigned to mentor. Not to mention the joke that bordered on the sexual harassment he made with Holt. How come this bum expected the boys to listen to his behavior seriously?
The next mistake was entrusting such a delicate task to Tyrant, whose aggressiveness and brutality are well known. His orders were to bring a student alive to the Academy, but he never imagined the Arbiter would push that order to the limit. Luckily father managed to get there to save Saybil, Holt and Ludo.
But even if he was useless, we have to acknowledge that he works hard to fulfill his mistress’ dream. At first I thought he might hold a grudge against Saybil for being the son of thirteen, but he never did. His former lover, Sorena, was such a kind witch that the Beast Wolf understood that she would never condone such acts.
the same eyes as you
Something that stands out about Saybil’s memory is that her mother was apparently also a witch. He used his skills to protect his son, but unfortunately he was no match for the ax witch who was after them. He ended up dying a horrible death just inches from his son, adding to Saybil’s metallic instability, which he acquired shortly thereafter but before Zero found him.
We also saw this witch with the ax die from the immense magic she absorbed from the child. It seems that Saybil, in a fit of bravery, was the one who finally killed this witch by knowingly transferring far more magic than the witch could handle. But that’s more of a guess on my part, what do you think?
There’s no doubt that the emotional shock of the kidnapping compelled Saybil to dig up those painful memories. Now that she knows her mother’s face, she may already have the determination to recover that painful memory that Zero sealed for her. But all of this leaves one question: Why would Saybil’s mom want to keep him away from Zero, who has the same eyes?
the pain and the hate
I think there is a very important message in Chapter 8 of Mahoutsukai Reimeiki, has to do with the eventual incorporation of Tirano into the group. The “arbiters of Dia Ignis” committed many crimes against witches and killed many of them who had never wronged anyone. That’s what we’ve been told so far.
However, what Zero says is also pretty important. The Arbiters were created because witches with evil intentions harmed people to further their own ambitions. A cycle of hatred and resentment had ensued that was feeding on itself. Some were hurt in revenge, but someone else would take revenge for the same actions.
The reason why the “Royal Academy of Magic of the Kingdom of Wenias” exists and therefore this village that Zero administers is to show that coexistence with witches and ordinary people is possible. Wenias is a land where magic is gradually being accepted by its inhabitants, but there is still work to be done to avoid future conflicts.
What is a necessary step to achieve this peace? Break the cycle of hatred that fuels conflict, and for that someone has to give in. One of those involved must contain his grudges and, at best, forgive those who have harmed him. Holt can hardly accept that. An act of bravery that perhaps some non-fictional people should take as an example.
I can’t get enough of this series and its fun storyline. I thought about Chapter 8 Mahoutsukai Reimeiki It would have had a more serious tone due to the problems they showed us in the previous chapter, but I was wrong. He doesn’t waste time with a funny gag to make fun of a character. And I love that.
Of course, aside from its funny moments, it leaves room for food for thought and a bit of blood and guts here and there to spice up the plot a little more. That’s why I always look forward to the next episode, although now the preview with Saybil’s last line threw a bombshell on us. I want to see him!
Anyway, now it’s up to you, my readers, to give your opinion. What did you think of Chapter 8 by Mahoutsukai Reimeiki? Would you have accepted Tirano as part of the group? doteam get or team teacher Lo? doteam Recognition?