This review on Honzuki no gekokujou 2 Contains spoilers. If you have not seen the chapter, we recommend you do it and then go back to read the review.

Chapter 11 (25): Fighting the waterspout

Myne is harassed by a bad element of the order of the knights, who takes advantage of her position and the estrangement of the High Priest. For his part, he fights alongside other nobles to defeat the thrombus, which they subdue. But a new threat is born from a wound to Myne caused by the evil knight with green hair. After defeating the waterspout that suffocated Myne, the two guards will receive a punishment along with their commander, for what happened. At the end they have to finish the ceremony, it is time to show off Myne.

Chapter opinion

Poor mouse who has had to go through a lot in this chapter. I feel that the time has been so short, but it is because there was not much to show, not much background content was presented other than that of social differences, which among the nobility is still marked and much more. Another thing we found out is that the Patriarch commented on Myne’s status, we don’t know how or where, but he did. The High Priest remains a mystery. And finally, the battle against the waterspout was not at all epic, after all this is not an action anime.


The commander sent two men to take care of the little priestess, one of whom had a higher rank than the other. These guards are knights. Since the last chapter they have been warning us that the green-haired (Schicicoza) would be the bad guy or the typical nobleman who, due to his status, despises commoners, regardless of whether they have a blue habit. In a way it seems normal that the one with the least rank (in this case Damuel) is more understandable with Myne, he also seems to be treated badly. I am sure that several of us have marked on our list of hateful characters to Schicicoza.

Fight against the waterspout

While the events were happening on the ground, the High Priest led the battle against the waterspout, this tree that feeds on the life of the beings around it and that seems to be a product of magic. The High Priest demonstrates the use of his magic, Damuel tells Myne that Lord Ferdinand is someone very good and that it would have been best if he had not left the order. After several crushes and cuts, they defeat the waterspout. But another mess arises when Schicicoza mistakenly cuts the mouse and from its blood fallen to the ground the waterspout comes out, begins to hold it and squeezes it non-stop. The High Priest returns and calls for help, the other knights arriving and defeating the waterspout freeing Myne from her restraints.


The High Priest reprimands the two guardians, tells them incompetent. In the end, what they both did, regardless of their position, was a contempt of authority. It seems normal that someone with power wants to misuse it, wants to take advantage of their condition and take it out on someone of lesser rank. Schicicoza thought that nothing would happen to him because he was someone noble, Damuel did not intervene because he was an inferior nobleman with green hair. In the end both are to blame, one for doing what he did, the other for allowing him. Both failed in their mission, both disregarded the orders of their social superior.

Social differences

What is most rescued from the chapter is the prevailing social difference in society, being much more acute in the nobility. Does this still happen today? I would like to say no, but it still happens, only that power is given by a magical property that is as material as it is conceptual: money. The mana of the powerful in our reality is money and thanks to it they manage to abuse the less fortunate, but it is undeniable that, like the High Priest and Damuel, there are powerful who are against these differences, however they must live In this world, because it is the norm and socially accepted, this can be represented in the city: the commoner neighborhood and the noble neighborhood, a few meters make the difference. Rank and social status end up being as important in that world as in ours.


Who has the highest rank? Without a doubt, it is the High Priest, who leads and who performs all the necessary rites. Schicicoza has nothing more to say that it is Lord Ferdinand who has the highest rank. The High Priest tells him that it is correct and if Schicicoza cared so much about the rank he would have heeded the order he gave. The green haired knight excuses herself that she is a commoner, but the High Priest attacks by saying that she is a priestess in a blue habit with the permission of the Feudal Lord (who is the Feudal Lord ?, the Patriarch ?, I don’t think). For this he will receive his punishment, Damuel also for not having protected her and his commander the same due to the incapacity of his soldiers. It is a fair punishment for the hierarchies: not only the culprit is punished but also their manager. Military discipline could be called.

The moment of the mouse

After all of the above, it only remains to do the last ceremony to end this situation. The High Priest raises Myne to his “steed” and they fly, in this place he tells Myne to get ready, that he will leave everything ready for him to shine and that he does not fight battles that he knows he will not win. The latter is a very mysterious phrase, it opens our curiosity: what is the High Priest facing, against society (like jokes) or is he just saying it for the moment? What we know is that Myne, after spending more time, will have to show off, she must win over the knights and they will protect her. Everything that the High Priest says is full of a meaning that we do not know at the moment.

The mouse went through a lot and our blacklist is full, Myne really tried to keep her composure and do the same thing she did in the Cathedral, only it did not work. I want to see what Myne looks like. The title of the next chapter I don’t know what it will refer to: Myne’s new reality or her previous existence.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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