This review on Gleipnir Contains spoilers. If you have not seen the chapter yet, I recommend you do it and then go back to read the review.

© 武田 す ん ・ 講 談 社 / グ レ イ プ ニ ル 製作 委員会

8: Shadows of memory

Gleipnir chapters eight and nine, Despite the scale of the destruction around Shuichi and Yoshioka, the fact that no one remembers what happened creates doubts about what actually happened. The best conclusion they reach is that intervention by another group except the pair and caused all destruction. Although not everyone agrees with what happened, the remaining members proceed to introduce themselves and demonstrate their abilities, something that Claire and Shuichi also do.

the demonstration, the group begins to separate for today after having finished
share all relevant information. However, Claire before leaving the
place approaches Yoshioka, alone. But his current motive is not spite, but
distrust, because Claire believes that Yoshioka does remember what happened, to which
she responds in the same way as before. Although, if you give Claire one last
comment questioning if she really supports Shuichi.

experience has certainly given many things to think about, it has created
grudges and mistrust, but one of them took a little more than what
I expected. During the night of the following day, Elena receives a call from a
Unknown number. The caller turns out to be Yoshioka, who claims to have obtained
the number after seeing it in Shuichi’s memories. I make this call with
the purpose of understanding what exactly happened, and trying to convince
Elena to join her group. However, although he got the answers that
I was looking, I could not convince Elena to support them. The next day, the
group takes the initiative, and after determining the probable location of the ship
alien, this is directed to this in order to get the hundred coins to


Since I started writing for Gleipnir, one of the elements that I am constantly mentioning or appreciating, is the relationship between Claire and Shuichi. I gave quite a bit of credit to this element of the series, and honestly, I expected quite a bit more from the dynamic between personality and situation that they both faced separately. It did not develop the way I wanted it to, but it has still been successful the vast majority of the time. However, this did not come from a question of compatibility, but from contrast between the characters.

Just like
Yoshioka mentions, Claire and Shuichi are not exactly what I would call
compatible with each other, at least not under normal circumstances.
Even if the argument is made that Claire possesses something that complements the
perfection to Shuichi, this only happens thanks to the peculiar transformation of

© 武田 す ん ・ 講 談 社 / グ レ イ プ ニ ル 製作 委員会

Is a
interesting element how the series incorporates the idea of ​​necessity and
compatibility by having the protagonist’s skill closely related
with the idea of ​​having someone to “complete” it. Here i would think i shouldn’t
There may be a problem with Claire being the one to use Shuichi, but that’s where
I realize that I use the word “use”.

unlike Yoshioka, who has a personality somewhat more similar to that of
Shuichi, Claire has one that complements the areas that favor Shuichi,
only when it is transformed. It is not to say that she is not a good support
for Shuichi, as it is shown that this manages to grow partly thanks to the
Claire’s presence. However, differences in personality create the idea
that they “become one” for a common goal, and not for an understanding or desire

At least
that’s the case for now. It is clear that the series seeks to develop a relationship
between them to go beyond this whole situation with monsters and
coins. This I would say is a vital point to credibly develop
this idea that one can become one to such an extent that it resembles that shown in
the previous episode. The fusion shown I think will be key in the future,
so this idea will not only favor the relationship of the characters, but
it will also introduce a new ability to give more variety to battles and
have how to compare with characters at the level of Sambe. Of course, first
you have to see how they handle this situation and the past relationship that Elena and
Shuichi shared, which reminds me …

overwritten inconsistent

This is
something different from what I imagined. In short, it is not amnesia, which in
Hindsight should have been obvious. I’m not sure how I don’t consider it
well, I say, even if you clearly don’t remember reality, it’s not like you
would have ever shown lacking any memory. Actually even
It is impressive to see that this is the first time that a
inconsistency between Shuichi’s memories and someone else’s.

Leaving that
Side detail, it is more important to consider how this works for the series.
You have the situation that, somehow, Shuichi’s memories were overwritten,
so to speak. He was not forced to forget anything, he was just replaced with a
version, I assume, that it has no trace of Elena.

Most interesting of this situation, it comes in a similar way to how Claire can feel Shuichi’s emotions and vice versa, but, using the fusion with Yoshioka as an example. Here it is more unusual, he does not remember anything and could not observe Yoshioka’s memories, but with her that was not the case. What I’m trying to get at with all this is that the memories don’t go away, that’s normal even in this world, but seeing your memories overwritten is something totally different. It is especially unusual if someone else can come to recognize true memories rather than witness false ones.

© 武田 す ん ・ 講 談 社 / グ レ イ プ ニ ル 製作 委員会

effectively puts Yoshioka in an interesting position in the situation
Elena, Claire and Shuichi. Indeed, she and Elena are the only ones who have
this information, but she is not part of the enemy and has Claire
suspecting her. Whether she likes it or not, this fact places her in the center of the
storm. Given its nature, I doubt that you will attempt to use this knowledge of
relevant way, but still she is now a vital element to unlock the
Shuichi’s maximum potential, as well as to give a definitive closure to this triangle
loving (it’s easier to call it that, although I have my doubts about using the
I end here.)

Either way, I’m enjoying how this complicated relationship unfolds
past and its repercussions that it will inevitably have on the present. Is
difficult to consider as reactionary someone about it. It could be that the
present has more weight than the past, or one could also refuse to
betray the past that I appreciate so much at the time. This past especially,
It practically caused all the problems that Shuichi, Claire and Elena face
Right now, ultimately, it won’t be something that can be taken lightly.

9: Mark of Conflict

Gleipnir chapters eight and nine, With a destination in mind, the group continues to delve into the mountain believing that they will finally find a way to collect the hundred coins immediately. On their way, however, it doesn’t take long before they encounter enemy territory, marked by a grim symbol. Wanting to avoid conflict as much as possible, the group chooses to surround the marked area, despite being a considerable detour. This change of route certainly begins to show through the weariness of the group, therefore, a rest is decided next to a small river.

for most of the group this was a good opportunity to relax,
Yoshioka is somewhat uneasy due to the information she has, and she doubts
the rest should be told. Unfortunately the time is not enough for
make a decision, as the group soon gets going. Although, having
With that said, it doesn’t take long for them to stop again, the difference here is
that their lives are now in danger.

Claire noticed
how the enemy was attracting its prey and how the group had walked
straight into an ambush. Thanks to the fact that the group realized this
began their escape before the enemy made their move, but this did not
unless one of them reached them. This enemy transformed into a
Giant centipede easily defeated Shuichi and captured the leader. But equal
easy, Youta defeated him practically with one blow. It starts again
to escape, and again they are chased. The difference is that this time,
The one who reaches the group is not just any enemy, but the leader of the rival group,
who in addition to possessing overwhelming strength, is interested in Shuichi
and Claire.


They have a
nice team and the whole thing, but what I want to see is how they develop
in a real setting, where their lives are at risk. The most episode
“Relaxed”, at least inside the base, were a good introduction for the
members of the group that Claire and Shuichi joined. Nothing exaggerated, just what
necessary, making clear who the characters will be the most and who are not
so important. Although of course, introducing a bit of their personalities.

That is
fine and all, but I would say that, considering the nature of this series and the
considerable lack of power in this group, it is more interesting for me to see
how they developed in a hostile environment. His abilities have some
practical applications but they’re not that big of a deal in combat so I
Imagine that you would get more out of the utilitarian part of the skills.
Some are definitely within the range I wish I had and I know I could

© 武田 す ん ・ 講 談 社 / グ レ イ プ ニ ル 製作 委員会

From the part
to send someone for recognition, I’m surprised that they have chosen to
the camera instead of invisibility. Even if it makes noise, someone will
careful enough with such a skill could leave many intact
espionage situations. That’s the main reason someone wanted
be invisible, right? you know, for espionage and the like. Okay,
forget that.

Even so,
I would say that they use much better than I imagined the ability of the camera
as one of the best ways to detect danger. With Shuichi’s nose
Most situations are covered, but this increased vision and
ability to record everything you see can be vital to gather information
that only smell would not provide. Although, following this way of thinking,
I thought they would get more out of Yoshioka’s ability, after all,
Animals know such terrain, its dangers and changes better than anyone. Me
at least he would have tried to use it as soon as the opportunity arose. Bah,
I’m complaining, if you give me a girl with cat ears, or fox, or wolf, I won’t
I will complain about how much or when they will give you a greater role in the team.

And by
last, the ability to grow plants is practical, but not needed
say more than what was seen, maybe if it worked faster it could be given
use in combat, but the same, although not very interesting, relevant to all
shapes. Youta is the one I want to talk a little about, as it is the greatest strength
from the group, I expected to see a more radical transformation. But I like this better,
simple is sometimes better. Only the marks, the “smoke” and the expression on his
face tell me everything I need to know. He is great and has a pretty fist
powerful. He’s someone quite nice and friendly, and I like how they added
the part of fighting in his past. It is good to see such a character in the
group, I just want to see the two guardians of the group in action a bit more.

Is a group
balanced. Not much stands out from this, but at least the work of
have someone to help move the protagonists with a goal in mind.
there are also the elements that will help progress the growth of the
characters, but that’s something to leave with the future in mind.

Better not
underestimate the enemy

They know how much fun it is to see someone totally confident say something only to find himself in the exact problem that he claimed to have under control. It is a lot of fun, it’s what made me laugh the most Gleipnir This time. Quite the confidence in saying that his group was smarter than the rest, quite the confidence in saying that they were very good at running away. Surprise, they were really overestimating themselves. It is one of those things that when seeing a character become aware of reality, in some cases, it is what gives me the most pleasure.

All this
I mention it because the antagonist featured in this episode turned out to be
someone a little different than I expected, with a somewhat
satisfactory. The half psycho part was a dice, everyone involved in
This conflict must have at least some loose screws. I would be satisfied
with the first coin, but that is irrelevant here. Not so irrelevant, is the organization
and performance shown in this enemy group.

They are opponents
tough, because while I wouldn’t call them strategists, they’re definitely smarter
than the typical insane people who make up the group. In that sense, their leader
It is somewhat peculiar with his unusual “appreciation” towards his subordinates. Up to me
I would risk saying that you can be quite reasonable as long as you are not
Oppose directly, the result of this was more than clear.

I appreciate seeing that we are not dealing with a typical psychopath who leads his
men through fear. The fact that they have given you more elements than
make him a convincing leader for all these insane make him an antagonist
more interesting and credible by showing himself as an opposing force.

He has a
unusual charisma that goes perfectly with his group, seems to plan with good
of your group in mind, of course, to advance your goal with a combination
of his immense strength and strategy that leaves his group with the advantage. Those are elements
they can be terrifying when combined into one force. Even if
I imagine that from now on the only thing relevant in combat will be his strength
Given the situation.

Interesting, is his reaction to Claire and Shuichi. Maybe it’s just curiosity,
but the fact that he’s interested in the duo means that the next episode
it will be more relaxed at the start. I wonder what the interaction between Claire will be like
and the enemy before inevitably going into conflict.


somewhat slow episodes for my taste, but still had a good fraction of
interesting moments to make sure I don’t lose my interest. I mean, the
group and the whole thing is fine, it has interesting interactions that maybe
worth seeing later, just a little bit with your skills, but even after
Of all these episodes, only Youta and Yoshioka made an impression. Others,
they are there…

© 武田 す ん ・ 講 談 社 / グ レ イ プ ニ ル 製作 委員会

I’d rather see
Sambe in action a little more, I liked him much more and would have done a better
partner. Sure, it would still have made everything easier, but it would be temporary until
Claire and Shuichi to unlock the power that was used when Yoshioka merged
with the. And this is where I think, some characters work for me, others
They might as well not be there and it would be the same to me. Ok i’m exaggerating but
When the gap is so big for me, I can’t help but mention it.

I see the
strange things, first characters, then the story and so on. I like
how Claire and her sister Elena have worked, especially now that
Yoshioka knows a little more about the secrets that Shuichi does not know he possesses. There
There are three elements that help the protagonist’s progress. Sambe and Youta for their
part are characters, although not so interesting, they provide a little more variety
for action and their own way of acting and contrasting with the protagonists
out of combat. The others, because they have their convenience here and there, but

At least the
Introducing the next enemy helped speed up the pace again. For real
Enjoy the scenes where the enemy boss took the leadership of the
scene. He is someone peculiar, in a sense with which one can sympathize
little, but you still have a strange taste when you think about how easy I end up with
that girl. He has his way of doing things, but at least it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me,
especially considering the circumstances.

From upcoming episodes I hope to see this character be successfully developed as a mini boss before moving on to Elena’s group. So once we got there, it would be much more satisfying to me, especially since, supposed to get there, there shouldn’t be a comparatively weak duo Shuichi and Claire anymore if you look at the other monsters shown so far.

© 武田 す ん ・ 講 談 社 / グ レ イ プ ニ ル 製作 委員会

And finally, is there really someone with a hundred coins already !? That can’t be good, Yoshioka better mention it as soon as possible (no more interruptions at the moment the character was going to speak please). Forget the pickup, this is a big deal, right? It is something like the end goal. I think this is going to get a little crazy.


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About the Author

Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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