The publisher of the manga written and illustrated by Daisuke Ashihara, World trigger, announced through the series' official Twitter account that in the next edition of the magazine Jump SQ from the publisher Shueisha Chapter number 197 will be published with content in a draft version, due to the author's health.
The editorial department had considered establishing a pause in the serialization of the manga due to Ashihara's poor condition, but after considering that this edition was planned with some color pages and consulting with the author, they decided to publish part of the chapter in draft format. The statement detailed that Ashihara's health is already improving.
Ashihara started publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from the publisher Shueisha in 2013. The manga went on hiatus since November 2016 due to Ashihara's ill health, and resumed in December 2018, this time in Jump SQ magazine. Going forward, the series would take multiple breaks for the same reasons.
The publisher published the twenty-first compilation volume on December 4, and will publish the twenty-second on June 4. The play is inspiring a new season of its anime adaptation, which will feature the same cast of voices from previous productions.
World Trigger Synopsis
When the door to another world suddenly opens on Earth, the city of Mikado is invaded by strange creatures known as "Neighbors", who are malicious beings with traditional weapons. In response to this invasion, an organization known as the Border Defense Agency engages in combat with the Neighbors using weapons known as the "Triggers." Even several years after the start of the battle, Neighbors remain a threat and Agency members remain on alert.
Despite this delicate situation, members in training, such as Osamu Mikumo, are not allowed to use their Triggers outside of headquarters. But when a mysterious student in his class is dragged into a prohibited area by thugs, the Neighbors initiate an attack, and Osamu has no choice but to do what he thinks is right. To their surprise, transfer student Yuuma Kuga quickly takes care of them, revealing that he is a Disguised Neighbor.
Source: ANN
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