On the official page for the manga written and illustrated by Junko, Wota Doru: Oshi ga Watashi de Watashi ga Oshi deIt has been announced that the play will end in the next issue of the magazine Bessatsu friend from the publisher Kodansha12th September.

Junko started publishing the manga in Kodansha Publishing's Bessatsu Friend magazine in June 2019. The publisher released the third compiled volume on June 11 and will publish the fourth in November of this year.

Synopsis of Wota Doru: Oshi ga Watashi de Watashi ga Oshi de

The student Azusa Asahina has an attractive figure, good grades and is considered the most perfect girl in school. In fact, however, she is an idol-loving mega otaku.

During a concert by her favorite idol Chikashi Chida, she becomes involved in a certain incident and gets into his body. A fun story of an otaku girl and a member of a male idol band who invert bodies. Can they survive each other's life or will their secret be revealed as soon as one of them can no longer maintain the facade?

Source: ANN

© 著 ゅ ん 著 (著) / KODANSHA 講 談 社


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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