Written and illustrated on the official manga page by Nanatsu Mukunoki, Watashi still Tenshi ga Maiorita!The eighth compilation volume has been announced to be released in Japan on September 18. A limited edition will include a special drama CD.
Mukunoku started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly comic Yuri Hime from the publisher Ichijinsha in November 2016. The publisher published the seventh volume on January 31.
The work inspired a student-produced anime adaptation with twelve episodes. Doga Kobo, Led by Daisuke Hiramaki and scripts from Yuka Yamada, released in January 2019.
Synopsis of Watashi or Tenshi ga Maiorita!
The story revolves around Miyako Hoshino, a shy university student and otaku. Miyako's younger sister Hinata, who is in fifth grade, has a classmate and friend named Hana. When they meet, Miyako falls in love with Hana at first sight.
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