Monkey D. Luffy's adventures continue between the pages of Shonen Jump magazine and the manga ONE PIECE continues to achieve numerous milestones, the last of which involves a new impressive number of copies sold.

The never-ending story started in 1997follows a group of pirates who want to find the great treasure that gives the work its title. During their journey they will encounter numerous enemies and encounter various secrets revolving around the history of the world and the legacy of the pirate king they are looking for.

The latest releases show the crew of protagonists allied with samurai and other pirates and at one War against two of the four emperors that rules the waters of the so-called New World and after several pages full of exciting tables, the manga has reached the milestone of 1000 chapters the meaning of which is communicated to us by the author of ONE PIECE in a message.

However, this isn't the only great result of the work. We learn that a new number of quantities sold worldwide has been reached. 480 million are the copies of the comic in circulation that remain immobile in their position as the best-selling manga in the world.

There are many fans of the series, which has been running for more than twenty years, and just as many are fans of the animated version of ONE PIECE, which is preparing to show the flashback of an expected character with the next episode.

What do you think of the incredible result? Let us know with a comment.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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