On the official page for the manga written and illustrated by Iqura Sugimoto, Nana Maru San Batsuunveiled the cover of the twentieth and final compilation volume, due to be released in Japan on November 4th. The manga ended on October 2nd.
Sugimoto started publishing the manga in the magazine Young ass from the publisher Kadokawa in November 2010 and finalized in October 2020. The publisher published the 18th compiled volume in April 2019 and the 19th on October 2nd.
The piece inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. TMS Entertainment in collaboration with studios Double-headed eagleunder the production of Masaki Ouzora and scripts from Yuuko Kakihara, published July 2017.
Synopsis by Nana Maru San Batsu
As soon as he entered prep school, freshman Koshiyama Shiki was invited to the mysterious Question Tournament Club run by his senpai. What will Shiki encounter when his classmate Mari draws him into the dazzling and aggressive world of question and answer tournaments?
© 杉 基 イ ク 著 (著) / KADOKAWA