Ken the Warrior of Buronson and Tetsuo Hara, published in Japanese magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from 1983 to 1988, is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern manga Battle Shonen. Beginning with the manga’s first arc, we follow the violent but equally meaningful story told through the manga Kenshiro’s journey.
Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star) takes place on a post-apocalyptic planet Earth devastated by nuclear war. Today, the world as we know it no longer exists and humanity is forced to live between piles of rubble and deserts where the fittest prevails. In fact, groups of bandits overwhelm the weakest to take possession of the few supplies of food and water that remain in circulation.
In this dark world we meet Kenshiro, the successor to the ancient martial art known as Sacred School of Hokuto. Ken devotes his life to fighting Looters, which he kills by beating them through their Vital Points, but his true goal is to d’meets his beloved Julia againkidnapped by her amorous rival Shin, a warrior of the Sacred School of Nanto born under the Sacrificial Star.
During his journey in search of Julia, Ken meets Little Bart and Lynnwho decide to venture to his side. Even in these early stages, it’s possible to hear his iconic phrase. Here is the meaning of Ken the Warriors Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru.
When Ken finally reaches the town of Southern Cross that Shin built especially for Julia, he discovers a grim truth. After triumphing in a terrible fratricidal fight with a once great friend of hers, Kenshiro learns that Julia is dead Suicide.
there The first part of Ken the Warrior is told in chapters 1 to 25 and from episodes 1 to 22. Here is our review of the anime series Ken the Warrior.