Black clover is a manga written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. On February 16, 2015, in light of the success of the one-shot, Shūeisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump started its publication in the magazine. To date they can celebrate a new sales record: Here’s what.
About a year ago, we reported the circulation target for spring 2021. Yūki Tabata was delighted with the new Black Clover sales record of 16 million.
WSG_manga announces a significant new figure on the success of the franchise: it has a worldwide circulation of 18 million copies. On the other hand, we already knew that Tabata’s work is a success and we also dealt with it in a special on Black Clover.
Black Clover is primarily the story of Asta, a young orphan who has to grow up in an orphanage with his partner Yuno Grinberryall. The protagonist, unlike everyone else, does not have the ability to use mana in the form of magical power. The boy, however, with his strong ambition that sets him apart, makes his way into the world of physical strength specialization.
On March 28, 2021, it was announced that an animated film was in production, Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King. The animated film is directed by Ayataka Tanemura, written by Johnny Otoda and Ai Orii, character design by Itsuko Takeda and soundtrack by Minako Seki. The film will be released simultaneously in Japanese theaters and on Netflix on March 31, 2023
The anime adaptation of the manga is available at crispy roll in original version with subtitles.
Black Clover has reached a circulation of 18,000,000 copies worldwide.
- Shonen Jump News - Unofficial (@WSJ_manga) October 27, 2022