In the magazine Monthly Shonen Gangan from the publisher Square enix It was announced that the author Matoba ((Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mom) will begin with the release of a new manga entitled One room, Hello Atari Futsuu, Tenshi Tsuki, in the next issue of the magazine, on September 12th.
Matoba is also the author of the manga Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mompublished in Square Enix Monthly Shonen Gangan Magazine between July 2015 and May 2020. The publisher published the twelfth and last compiled volume in July 2020.
The piece inspired an anime adaptation released in October 2018. The adaptation ran over twelve episodes and was produced by the studios. EYE FILMS Headed by Minato Kazuto and scripts written by Yoriko Tomita.
Synopsis of Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu Mama
Beelzebub is a great demon lord who rules over millions of demons. Meulin, who decides to serve the Demon Lord, learns that Beelzebub not only does not have the demon of a great demon, but is also a laid-back girl who likes fluffy things. Thus begins the daily comedy that revolves around the many villains in the world of demons.
Source: Official Twitter account
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