In the past few days, nothing has been said about the cancellation of Act-Age, the successful manga by Tatsuya Matsuki, which should have received an anime adaptation and a theater show between 2021 and 2022. The offender arrested for harassment recently ended up in the center of a new scandal due to some old statements.
The message was first reported by Soranews24who would have received reports of some old tweets from the author. In fact, Matsuki wrote in 2017: "Manga set in feelings (ed. name of Japanese public baths) They are very popular these days. I have an idea I could do one in that The protagonists are children who use believable methods to spy on their schoolmates in the girls' bathrooms! Research is obviously important, so I should make sure they work in person first ...".
However, the average age of public toilet users is quite high, so the end result would not have been believable. The author addressed the problem in subsequent tweets: "When I think back, the average age could be a bit too high and the story wouldn't be believable ... But I could do it with two middle school students as protagonists! Each episode could be self-contained, with the two trying to spy on the men's room and failing all the time. Your readers will continue to see her naked, so it will remain an interesting read".
Fortunately, Matsuki gave up the idea of devoting himself to act-age, a work of completely different depth unfortunately interrupted before the publication of the thirteenth volume. Serialization was also stopped in Italy, where the manga was published by J-Pop.
銭 湯 漫画 や 湯 映 画 が 流行 し て る 昨 に 新 し い 湯 た.
- @ ツ キ タ ツ @ (@ machi8mura) January 2, 2017
取材 や 検 証 が 重要 な の で, 事前 に 自 分 で 実 行 す す る 必要 が あ ね ね ね ...
- @ ツ キ タ ツ @ (@ machi8mura) January 2, 2017
考 え て み れ ば 湯 て 年 齢 層 的 に モ チ ベ 上.
- @ ツ キ タ ツ @ (@ machi8mura) January 2, 2017
毎 回 の ぼ せ て 覗 き は 失敗 に 終 わ っ て, し ょ ん ぼ り と 牛乳 飲 ん で 終 終 わ る ん で す け ど, 読 者 は 女 の 子 の 入浴 シ ー ン の れ る る る る る るで オ ー ケ ー な 訳 で す ね .460 円 の 入浴 料 が 中学生 に は や や 重 た い と と い う 描写 も ロ リ コ ン の 何 か を 刺激 す る か も で す ね.う ー ん, ち ょ っ と 読 み た い!
- @ ツ キ タ ツ @ (@ machi8mura) January 2, 2017