The spring season has opened with new souls. The Rising of the Shield Hero, with the 13 episodes that make it up, has to reassert itself on the Isekai panorama a few years after the last episode of the first season. For now those early stages of season two They were not particularly distinguished by their effectiveness.

However, the slow pace and doubts about the themes of the series can be overcome by a great performance by the protagonists. Naofumi Iwatani returns once again as the hero of the shield, one of the heroes of this fantasy world that The Rise of the Shield Hero he set up. Given his weapon, the hero certainly can’t do it alone, and here comes Raphtalia, a half-human, half-raccoon ex-slave who’s also confirmed to be fundamental in Season 2 of The Rising of the Shield Hero.

Precisely for his return to the series and for the new feats he will accomplish, he receives many honors on the network. One of them is the Raphtalia cosplay by Hikka, a Kazakh cosplayer showing the fighter fully clothed and with the usual ears sticking out at the sides of his head. Would you let her defend you? Then you can watch The Rising of the Shield Hero episodes on Crunchyroll to keep up with the events.

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A post by Оксана Мельник (@hikka_cosplay)

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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