The world of Saint Seiya, best known as The knights of the zodiac in Italy, is full of characters and even though it started a few decades ago, it’s still very popular. The statuettes for sale, dedicated to secondary characters or fillers, demonstrate what happened to Poseidon’s envoy, Siren Sorrento.

This shows just how far the fans’ passion for The Knights of the Zodiac extends in Japan and abroad. Another manifestation of popularity is cosplay, which has been an integral part of the anime and manga world for several years. Today we present a new one Cosplay about Seiya, the protagonist of the work.

This time, however, the woman is denied it thanks to the cosplayer Mariielelarge, who shared some photos a few weeks ago and then went viral on the net. In the picture below we see the girl with the long brown hair Seiya’s historic red jersey teamed with Pegasus’ white armor. As is known, the armor consists of the helmet, the armbands, the breastplate and the shoulder strap, as well as other elements that cannot be seen in the photo.

There are also many fans of The Knights of the Zodiac in Italy: Have you seen Enid Raven’s Athena cosplay?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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