Sailor Moon is one of the most famous manga and anime of all time. Created by mangaka Naoko Takeuchi, the manga debuted in Kodansha's Nakayoshi Magazine in 1992 and was published as a series until 1997. The series was later adapted into an anime, which was a huge hit worldwide.
There The protagonist of Sailor Moon is Usagi Tsukino, a lazy and clumsy girl who, thanks to the power of the moon, transforms into the warrior Sailor Moon. Alongside her, the series consists of four other warriors, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus, who fight together against the enemies of the Dark Realm.
The The Sailor Moon costume is iconic from Japanese pop culture: The outfit consists of a white jersey with a blue and red pleated skirt, a red bow on the head and white high boots with red trimmings. Most Sailor Moon costumes also include a crystal staff. However, this is not the case with the version of Sailor Moon Eternal, where the warrior wears slightly different clothing and sprouts a pair of angel wings.
Cosplayer Fabibi made one wonderful cosplay of Sailor Moon Eternal with the power of the moon, as you can see in the photos below, taken from his Instagram account. Her costume is perfectly crafted, with quality fabrics and an attention to detail that pays homage to Naoko Takeuchi's original character. Her red bow is replaced by a tiara on her head and her yellow, red and blue pleated skirt is immaculate. Fabibi also has a pink and white crystal cane to complement her costume.
Soon, the heroine will return for the final grand challenge in the Sailor Moon Cosmos movies that will complete the animated remakes of the series.
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