One punch man is one of the most popular manga and anime of recent years. The story of Saitama, an overpowered hero who defeats his opponents with a single punch, has attracted the attention of many fans. But not only the protagonists make it interesting, also the other characters have a very well characterized personality.
Among the heroes of this world there are those of class S, the highest, and among them is Tatsumaki, a heroine with psychic powers and very difficult to deal with. However, the girl has a younger sister, who is also one most prominent female characters from One-Punch Man: Fubuki, the leader of a small group of heroes who chooses to follow her for her leadership skills. Fubuki is a very strong girl who can manipulate everything with her psychic abilities, as can her sister, but also very cold and distant, even haughty.
Since its inception in history Fubuki manages to create more and more space, who is very close to Saitama, the protagonist of One-Punch Man. As one of the few main characters in the work, she has been widely reproduced by cosplayers from all over the world, especially with her classic dress. The The Fubuki cosplay created by Mangoecos enhances her beauty and their modeling skills suggesting it in a simple way. As you can see in the photos below, uploaded to Instagram, this Fubuki is wearing her classic green dress, a pearl necklace and a white scarf that she always carries with her.
We’ll have to wait before we see her at work as One-Punch Man is on hiatus.
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