Neon Genesis Evangelion is a franchise that still attracts swarms of fans today, despite dating back to the ’90s. With the’upcoming arrival of Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0, unfortunately postponed to a later date due to the coronavirus, interest in the work has increased again.
But they weren’t just lovers of Neon Genesis Evangelion to enter the world of cosplay with these characters. After meeting Elefire’s Asuka, the character returns with Rei Ayanami, thanks to a group cosplay that also featured a Chinese star. The anime singer and cosplayer Liyuuwho is currently working at the end of I’m Standing on a Million Lives recently uploaded some photos that they see as part of a Partnership between Neon Genesis Evangelion and the video game Knife’s Out.
Four photos of the singer were presented on Twitter Liyuu plays Asuka Langley himselfAt his side are Rei Ayanami, the other protagonist of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Yami, the character from Knife’s Out. Below are the four photos collected in the tweet as you headed to the source. You can enjoy a more varied album, which also focuses on individual characters.
Don’t miss Mimorguee’s single Rei cosplay.
A と A EVA の コ ラ ボ 、 ア ス カ カ の コ ス プ を を し て み ま し た 😳
– Liyuu (@ Liyu0109) August 21, 2020
ゲ ー ム の 中 に カ ッ コ イ イ コ ラ ボ 武器 🔫 も 出 ま す よ 〜
.ん な ゲ ッ ト し て ❣️ ❣️ # 荒野 行動 # 荒野 補 計画.