Neon Genesis Evangelion It is a story full of action and inner conflict. The protagonists, three young 14-year-olds who are called upon to guide the giant Evangelion robots, always face enormous responsibilities. In fact, the fate of humanity rests on their shoulders, in a context that certainly doesn’t help their psyche.
Luckily for her, there are also small, more normal moments, whether at home or at school. In the latter place, they manage to group with their classmates, mostly normal boys, but among whom other pilots could also arrive. It will then also be added to this group Asuka Soryu Langleythe girl from Eva-02 who debuts later than the other protagonists of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Her move brings her to this school with few students, where she too will wear the classic uniform of white blouse and light blue apron. Let’s see Asuka cosplay at school with this uniform of Anastasia Cold, a Ukrainian cosplayer. In order to be able to adequately recreate this version of the young girl from Neon Genesis Evangelion, the model did not miss any accessories.
To stay in a similar context, here is a Misato cosplay at home and a very casual Rei Ayanami cosplay.
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