There is no point walking around so much, the success of Dragon ball is undoubtedly linked to its characters and the incredible battles that have shaped the franchise since the series began, moments that have captured an infinity of readers and viewers around the world.

The fame that the brand has achieved over these long decades is now established with it Countless fans who never miss the opportunity to praise the series – as evidenced by the cosplay and fan art that appears every day on social media – that continue to be enriched with themed productions precisely designed to keep the fan base occupied.

Among the many users who have started creating themed cosplay there is also the well-known low-cost cosplay, a user who has been able to conquer the web for free thanks to their cosplay and therefore often from very nice – and sometimes brilliant – ideas for is their realization. Just recently the boy decided to share another of his creations which is a reproduction of the Super Saiyan God Transformation that, as seen at the bottom of the news, was materialized thanks to the use of a watermelon. The work in its simplicity has obviously won thousands and thousands of users, who especially praised the creativity of the work.

Before we say goodbye, we would also like to remind you that the new episode dedicated to the fan-made series Dragon Ball Deliverance has recently been released.

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Lonelyman and his watermelon #lowcostcosplay #watermelon #goku #art

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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