Among the female characters of Dragon Ball the main Bulma, Chichi and Android 18 are mentioned. But there is a girl who appeared at the beginning of the saga and ended slowly in oblivion from Dragon Ball Z onwards. We are talking about Lunch, the beautiful blue-haired girl who turns into an aggressive blonde in case of sneezing.

Lunch it was the first female company to be added to the cast of Dragon Ball after Bulma. On the occasion of the training of Goku and Kulilin with the Genius of the Turtles, she was very helpful taking care of the old pervert's house and preparing food for the fighters. Slowly his presence has faded leaving space for other characters.

There cosplayer EmilyRexz has decided, however, to bring it back into vogue: at the bottom of the news you can admire two photos with this Lunch's sensual cosplay. The girl appears in the version with blue hair wrapped in a red bow and with the classic dress consisting of a green top and yellow short shorts, gloves and shoes. You like this Dragon Ball themed cosplay?

Andrasta also brought a Lunch cosplay to her fans, while the latest video game Dragon Ball Z Kakarot explained to us where the girl ended up during the most recent events.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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