At the beginning of his adventure, after leaving with Bulma in search of the Dragon Balls, Goku had made the acquaintance of the Sorcerer of the Bull, a former student of Master Roshi and a bandit from the mountains of the world of dragon ball.
Plagued by a serious problem, he had sent his daughter, Chichi, to find a way to salvage the situation. This began a meeting that was to have a long-term effect: Goku crossed right there little chichi and together they brought the Tortoise Genius to the burning palace. The two made a marriage pact purely by accident, but the Dragon Ball protagonist didn't fulfill it for several years.
And just during Tenkaichi tournament number 23, the last of the first phase of the manga and anime, Chichi showed up to "collect" his prize. As she grew up, she had become a skilled and skilled warrior. Fabibi has repurposed a Chichi fighter cosplay in blue dress, as seen during this martial arts tournament. In addition to the reproduction of a pose of a particular statuette dedicated to her, she is also shown in other places with the famous fan, capable of extinguishing the fire that weighed on her father's castle.
Fabibi also made this Bulma cosplay and another recent Bulma mom cosplay.
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