The crossover series X the swords has come to an end, as has the tournament it was about. However, despite the brutality of the event that was announced on the pages of the comic, many managed to survive. Let’s discover them together with those who didn’t make it.
Apocalypse, alive. The mutant took part in the final fight against his wife Annihilation, but despite the situation of seeing him as an outsider in this fight that could have been fatal for him, he managed to survive. At the end of the story Cyclops leaves a message for Professor X and Magneto, in which he announces that they will meet again one day.
Genesis, long live. Formerly known as Annihilation, she survived the tournament by reuniting with her beloved Apocalypse.
Betsy Braddock, Unknown State. Many will remember that the swordswoman took part in the first duel, in which her protagonist of a bizarre event appeared on the pages of X of Swords. However, Queen Saturnyne can be seen in the final chapter of the comic rebuild the body in pieces from Captain Britain, after which there has been no further news of the woman being reported missing.
Cable, alive. Although certain battles brought him close to death, he managed to survive.
Cipher, alive. Even if he was the outsider among the weather, the mutant comes out unscathed at the end of the same. However, on the last few pages of X of Swords, we learned of his shocking wedding and the new bride will follow him with the X-Men.
Death, alive. He seemed destined to die in the Otherworld, but on the final pages of the work we see him still alive and it is believed that he even rules the world Reign of Sevalith.
Gorgon, dead. After an incredible battle against White Sword on the pages of X of Swords, the warrior seems definitely dead. However, there is a chance that the mutant can return to the scene.
The Hellions, dead. However, since many of them have lost their lives on Krakoa’s side of the portal, there is an opportunity to revive them.
Pyro was unknown. Although it was seen pureed by Isca, its status has not yet been confirmed.
Solem, probably alive. At the end of the tournament, the terms of the enemy of Wolverine are unknown, but the final pages of the chapter announce that the swords of the two warriors will not be separated for long. This could mean that the evil mutant could soon become that The new main opponent of Weapon X..
Summoner, dead. He was defeated after a fight to the death with Wolverine.
White sword, alive. After giving up his position on the pages of Excalibur # 15, at the end of the day he’s finally still alive.