At the moment, Akira Toriyama is working on Dragon Ball Super, the manga that will be carried out together with Toyotaro, but who will take care of most of the designs, drawings and much more. At the same time, however, the famous author of Story of Goku he is concentrating on the feature film, which will soon be released in Japanese cinemas.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero highlights Gohan, about whom Akira Toriyama recently dropped a few words. In view of the release of the feature film in Japan, dated June 12, 2022, he spent himself in an interview in which he no longer talks about the manga but about the film directed by Toei Animation. Besides a few sentences about Gohan, Akira Toriyama also revealed his favorite Dragon Ball character.

Piccolo is my favorite character. He’s always so calm, so this might be the first time he’s been shown chatty and active.” A clear and concise opinion from Akira Toriyama .as evident from the many posters and trailers of Dragon Ball Super: Superherowhere he will most likely be working with Gohan in the lead role most of the time.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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