Toei Animation, the studio behind popular anime franchises such as Precure, One Piece, and Dragonball, has announced the production of a new original anime project titled Girls Band Cry. The studio shared a promotional image that reads the tagline: "Throw away your anger, your happiness, your sadness... Get rid of everything". However, no details were announced in this regard, since they will be revealed until May 29 in Japan.
Toei Animation's legacy in anime
Toei Animation has been a major player in the anime industry for many years, producing iconic titles like Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, and Slam Dunk, among others. While the studio's recent productions include Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure and Tousouchuu: The Great Mission, the decision to produce an anime focused on girls who make music definitely gave fans something to talk about.
Fans react to the news
As expected, fans had mixed reactions to the announcement of Girls Band Cry. Some fans compared it to the recent success of Bocchi the Rock!, while others expressed hope that the series will bring something new to the table. Here are some of the comments from fans, as reported by Comic Natalie:
- «Bocchi the Rock fans! surely they are already criticizing this new production, despite the fact that it is only a promotional image».
- «The clones of Bocchi the Rock have already started to appear!».
- «This is from Toei Animation and I smell like it's going to be something good. I just hope the story doesn't recycle things seen in Bocchi the Rock!, to avoid comparisons».
- «It looks like some kind of serious plot about girls playing music, which is in stark contrast to K-On! and Bocchi the Rock!. looks promising».
- «Can't help but think of buying it with Bocchi the Rock!, but the art gives me a different vibe».
- «Boy, that promotional image looks great, I just hope it's a good series from start to finish. In my case, I am a big fan of Bocchi the Rock! and K-ON!, but I think this anime will also be on my list».
- «After the SPY x FAMILY clone, now comes the Bocchi the Rock! clone. I just hope this one is good».
- «I like that more and more anime series about music like Bocchi the Rock! and Ya Boy Kongming!, and I hope that this will replace the idols that have fed me».
- «People are already saying that this will be a clone of Bocchi the Rock! Are you kidding? I will definitely give it a look».
It will be interesting to see how Toei Animation handles the expectations of fans with Girls Band Cry, which promises to be an exciting addition to the studio's roster of anime productions. Stay tuned for updates! 👀
It is interesting to observe the diverse reactions of Bocchi the Rock fans to the promotional image of this new production. There are those who are already criticizing it despite the fact that it is only a promotional image, indicating that they may have high expectations and may be difficult to please. The appearance of clones of Bocchi the Rock also shows the influence and popularity of this anime among its fans.
However, there are also those who are cautiously optimistic about this new series, hoping that it will not recycle things seen in Bocchi the Rock! to avoid unfavorable comparisons. The serious plot of girls playing music also suggests that this anime may have a different tone from K-On! and Bocchi the Rock!, which is a promising aspect for some fans.
It is also interesting to note the conflicting emotions some fans may have regarding this new anime. While the art may give them a different vibe, they cannot help but think of buying it with Bocchi the Rock!, indicating a sense of loyalty towards their favorite anime while also being open to exploring new shows.
The appearance of clones of Bocchi the Rock! may also be a cause for concern among some fans, who may worry that the new anime may not be able to meet their expectations or that it may be derivative. However, there are also those who are excited about the increasing number of anime series about music, hoping that they will replace idols that have fed them.
Overall, it is clear that Bocchi the Rock! has a passionate and engaged fan base, and their reactions to this new anime show a range of emotions from skepticism to enthusiasm. As an anime fan, it is fascinating to observe these reactions and the underlying reasons behind them.