A few days ago, the studios’ original anime ended Cloverworks, Miracle egg priority, or so most believed when the production announced that an episode would premiere on June 29th that would be the real ending to the story. While many fans enjoyed this, those who were aware of the situation could not feel relieved to know the context that led to such a decision.

The production of Miracle egg priority It was total mayhem that was finally discovered when a new episode aired. The first indication of this was the presence of several production companies on the credits.

If a large number of people or companies are involved in a project, it is mainly because things are not going well, which is why the main study asks for help. Another clue was the presence of a compilation episode, which gave the production a little more time to prepare for the series. There were two situations that showed the staff didn’t know what was happening:

  • First, Ai Ooto’s voice actress, Kanata Aikawa, posted an update on Twitter, thanking viewers for the episode “Visiting Ai Neiru at home”. However, the compilation chapter shifted the numbering of the episodes so Ai was confused in the description.
  • Second, it happened when the production team was putting out the script for the eleventh episode, which is often done. However, the photo showed that it was actually from episode 10, which showed that the compilation was not planned.

Realizing this, the production removed the post and republished it, censoring the part that showed the episode number. When the tenth episode aired, the official site had four directors listed, but the show listed seven credits. However, the situation that ultimately worried fans was when Shouta UmeharaThe series producer appeared on television and was visibly exhausted.

In addition, the platform on more than one occasion Funimation, who was responsible for spreading the project to the west, reported that episode of the day broadcast would be delayed due to a delay in the delivery of material from Japan.

It’s worth noting that if the guesswork isn’t convincing, several photos of the anime production team have been shared on social networks showing them working at night and sleeping in the facilities. Some others even worked all night and went into the morning.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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