The Yaoi Manga Anime Adaptation official site, written and illustrated by Rihito Takarai, count tenannounced that the project will be an animated feature film, scheduled for release in theaters in Japan in 2023. It is worth remembering that the project was originally scheduled to be released in 2020, but was indefinitely delayed after the production team reconsidered the format of the project.

Count ten

Takarai started publishing the manga in the magazine dear plus from the publisher Shishokan in July 2013 and finished it in November 2017 with a total of six compilation volumes. It was also previously revealed that the work will be part of an OVA project titled 6 loverswhich was released in Japan in February 2021.

voice output

  • Shinnosuke Tachibana as Shirotani Tadaomi.
  • Tomoaki Maeno as Riku Kurose.

production team

  • Sou Toyama (Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san, Circus Karakuri, Major 2nd, Koi to Uso) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios East Fish Studio Y SynergySPand they are also responsible for writing and supervising the scripts.
  • Tomomi Shimazaki (Vampire in the Garden, Kakkou no Iinazuke, EUREKA: Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution) is responsible for character design and animation direction.

Summary of Ten Count

Tadaomi Shirotani is the secretary to the President of Tosawa Corporation and has a severe mysophobia (extreme fear of dirt). His OCD has disabled him in everything from being unable to leave the house without gloves to washing his hands so they bleed. When the company’s president has an accident, he is rescued by a mysterious young man who disappears as quickly as he appeared.

Ordered to give chase, Shirotani encounters Riku Kurose, a man who quickly realizes his mysophobia. Shirotani reluctantly takes advice to seek professional help and visits a psychiatrist, where she again meets Kurose, who turns out to be her doctor. Thus begins a mysterious relationship between Shirotani and his new advisor, who urges him to list all the things he dislikes doing and left the tenth blank.

Font: Weird Natalie


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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